Creating an identity for my Advert

I have chosen a friend of mine to play the part in a football advert because I know that he is really good at it from past experiences of him playing it with me when we were younger and up to now. He has all the capabilities of being in this advert. However, I am going to have to change this actor because he is unreliable.

I have also chosen the Halifax goalkeeper to be in my music video because my uncle used to teach him back in high school and he knows his parents so they have had the opportunity to keep in touch.

I have also chosen another friend that I have in case one person can't do the filming required to do the things I need to do. She is extremely good at football and is reliable. She also adds variety to the football rather than just having male roles. She appeals to the audience because she is a female which will bring in a different amount of people to see my advert the cliché that females don't play football as much as males will be broken I think this is wrong so this will appeal to other people.

Props: I will definitely need a football because what's a football advert without a football? I will also need a goal because I want my friend Joe to score some goals. I will also need water bottles for the message to keep hydrated.
Location: For my location I will try to get into the airco arena near the KC stadium because I feel like it would be important to have somewhere that looks like a decent training ground. Another reason why I want this location is because it is quiet and no disturbances. However, if this doesn't happen I would consider just going to a local park and just play there. I will try to sort out a free period when I can go there just before lunch and film; this way, no kids will be in the park disturbing our filming.
Costumes: I will have a football uniform and try to create my own brand logo on Photoshop I haven't had any ideas yet so I will think about the logo. I will want some football boots so I will try to get those I think Joe will have some and I know that Tom will. Also for costumes I will try to create my own skins (the things that goes under your shirt to keep you warm). I will do the undershirt for the second advert. I will make sure that all of these items have to be black as I want the mood to be serious and colour connotations are important with this. Costume is important here because it is what I am selling to my audience that I have chosen.

I will try to include both of these locations in order to have more variety.


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