Evaluation 3 What have you learned from your audience feedback?

What have you learned from blogger?

My views on blogger actually went down when I started my A2 work because I did not do many posts but once I started to improve my work they shot up.
This may not seem important but I knew that I was on the right track if people were viewing my blog online. 


Altogether The results that I got for each question were dominant but I saw a few corrections that I would like to consider for my final videos.
Question 1 - About 90% of the people that were handed the questionnaire thought that this package was put together well and linked well because they all have the logo at the end and lots of camera angles etc. The other 10% thought that I should have the logo for the radio advertisement too which I will put on. 
Question 2 - 50% of the people said that I should change the radio ancillary to make it more wide spread so I will come up with a new script to correct this, people also said that they would change the fact that some of the videos are too slow which I have thought is a good point recently. However, I know that in one of the videos it didn't need a backstory and I have mentioned before that I will change that in my final videos 
Question 3 - About 75% of the people said that it linked well with my chosen audience, but I knew that there would be some correction and once again the 25% of the people said that I should add another voice actor to my video which I will do I want to add my brother because he links well my demographics and psychographics table (he is 9) I feel that if I include him then the adverts as a whole will have a wide variety of people who have contributed making it look like a big company that is very popular which my chosen age group.
Question 4 - Roughly 95% of the people said that the sound track is chosen exceptionally well because it links to my slogan 'Better Faster Stronger' the other 55 said that it should be changed because of their own personal preference which I cannot take into account because they are not my targeted audience.
With all of this feedback in mind with my final products I will be adding all of the changes that people said to my video and I will try to make it as well suited as I can.

What did you learn in the process of the construction of your media product from your audience feedback?

I learned that in the construction every persons corrections were taken into consideration and executed on my videos, I thought that everything worked.
Video 1 – In this video people said that I hadn’t added enough transitions and had to add a soundtrack, in the process of this I looked back on my previous work and noticed that people were right in saying this and I think that altogether people improved my editing skills in doing this.
Video 2 – People said that shots lingered on too much so I corrected the speed of the shots. People also said that I didn’t need a backstory so in editing I cut out all of the beginning and started on the action because people said that the advert isn’t a story it is a chunk of footage that wants to sell the product. This was correct and the video was better based on what they said.
Radio – The radio didn’t have a soundtrack and the voice acting seemed like they were selling you something that didn't work and the lack of voice actors was a problem, so in the construction I got another voice actor and added a soft soundtrack in the background and also added facts and figures to make the product seem more legitimate.
Sponsorship – People said that the video had too much footage again so I cut that and I added a soundtrack. I also saw something that annoyed me a little bit, I saw that the logo was in the wrong place so I moved to a position that was more appealing at the end of the video.

What did you learn from your feedback for Advert 1?

I learned quite a lot from my feedback, I learned that for my first advert there was a lot of missing details that conforms to the form of a football advert like how long it was and the ultimate appeal to the audience as a whole.
I corrected all of this by making my advert more fast past and the lack of slide transitions were a problem. I had to make sure that all of the footage was valid and linked to my actual brand (I did that by adding the logo that I made. 

This was the draft and below are the improvements I made based on the feedback that I got for this video 

What did you learn from your feedback of advert 2?

My second advert had way too much footage so it became sort of a short film. So I cut a lot of unnecessary footage and added transitions and a soundtrack, this all came together nicely to make a good well put together product.
I think that my main problems were the fault of having too much footage so I just needed to cut a few things.

As you can see in the video below I made the corrections that my peers gave me to change my video.

Ancillary Radio

This needed a lot of corrections such as the voice acting, it was too long winded and didn’t have the dialogue options that were needed, such as the facts and figures, also my first advert didn’t have a soundtrack and that needed to be added. Another thing was the fact that I needed to add a wider range of voice actors so I added in my brother as the voice of the child. 

In the video below these are the improvements I made based on the audience feedback.

Ancillary sponsorship

People said that my product was good but it had too much footage, they also said that the soundtrack was missing so it was just a quiet video of someone playing football, I also forgot to add my logo in the previous video so I added that on I had a bit of trouble but I corrected that. 

As you can see these are the improvements I made in the video below.

What feedback did you get from fellow students (Positives)?
I asked two of my fellow classmates what they thought of my videos and they gave this feedback. I asked them both seperately and divided the good aspects from the bad aspects. They are called jordan and jay.


Clearly they like the fact that I had a lot of footage to use in my videos so when doing the improvements they said I have a lot of footage to choose from, including a lot of different shot types such as close ups and long shots etc. They also knew what the video was about which was good so I have made a clear message of what I am selling. They also thought that the location was well suited to the advert which is also a massive positive.

He made a little joke which I found quite funny he said finish it because it didn't look complete. He also said that some of the shots lingered on which I corrected by speeding up the video by quite a lot. He also said add a soundtrack which I did for all of my videos.
Does it target different age groups well?

I think it does because I have asked my family about what they think on the videos and they all like it because it completes it’s goal. The narrative isn’t needed so I cut out that on Advert 2, I also added a soundtrack which they all said was needed.
The most important age group was also interviewed my brother said that he thought it all linked together and was very entertaining. I think that I have improved all of this very well and it has fit the criteria. 


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