Evaluation 4


I used Google to carry out all of my research when I was searching for websites and stats and statistics etc. I also used Google for one other major thing and without it I would have been doomed, that is searching for images. Images are very important because you have to take inspiration from something and I had to search all of the clubs and logo that could help me make my adverts better.


 I have used a lot of tools on Photoshop like the brush tool, paint bucket, eyedropper, crop, shapes, and text. I had never used Photoshop before I started college, so I had no experience what so ever and I did struggle at first and it took a very long time to do my final piece for my first year. But if you asked me to do it now it would take me about 30 minutes tops to do it. I din't use photoshop much this year because of the advertisement spec telling me to create four videos. I did use it to create my logo though

Paint brush tool - The icon that is a paint brush allows you to paint any colour that you want. I used to use this to capture colours that were on certain images to manipulate them to become my own. The paint brush tool is also sometimes used to clear up any white pixels that make the image look a poor quality. When creating my logo I used this to edit out all of the white bits so it looked smoother and more professionally made.

Eraser tool - The eraser tool is there to correct any mistakes that you make. The icon is a little square rubber. To use this you can select it and change the size and click and swipe just like you would with a normal rubber. I used this tool to edit out all of the edges of my logo so once again it looks smoother.

Paint bucket tool - The icon is a paint bucket that appears to be dripping, this is used for filling in white or other coloured spaces. It is mainly there because it is easier to click on the paint bucket tool, selecting the colour that you want and then clicking on the space that you want to fill; rather than selecting the paint brush tool and going through all of the space which will take more time and look more sloppy if you are not careful. There was a bit of grey on my logo so I went onto the paint bucket tool and filled in all of the grey parts with black.

The blur tool -  This would be used if you want to dull an image to make it fit in more. This can be useful because if you want to Photoshop an image onto anything that might look aged but you image is bright you can use this tool to make the image look ages which sort of blends it into the space around it.

The quick selection tool - This is used to quickly select an image and cut it out of the photo. This can be useful when you have an image and there is something in the way that does not make the image look right.

Text tool - The text tool is fairly obvious, it allows you to add text to your photo. This can be good if you are making a music magazine and you want some text on a contents page for example. To do this you can either drag a square around where you want the text to be or you can click on a specific part to make quick text. I used the text tool to create the P and the J, it was easy to adjust them on the page so it looked professional. I made them black to match the colour connotation.

The shape tool -This is the icon that appears as a rectangle at first. This can be good when you are creating a logo and you need to draw out a shape. To do this you just need to click and drag and this will make a big or small shape based on your preferences. I used this to create the lightning bolt I also made that black so it can connect the P and the J.

The crop tool - This is the icon that look like frames on a timeline. This tool allows you to crop out some of your image so you can adjust it to make it look like what you want it to look like.

The eye dropper tool - This is my favourite tool, it looks like a pippet with a water drop. It allows you to select colours that you have made. This can be useful when you make a colour that you can't remember how to make all you have to do is click on the eyedropper tool and select the colour that you want and it will go on your colour pallet.

The magic wand tool - The magic wand tool allows you to select colours and similar colours this can be useful when you ant to erase a certain colour in that area you can select similar and it will edit out all of the colour close to the colour that you have selected.

The gradient tool - This is the final tool that I will be talking about it is a rectangle that has been slowly shaded, this can be used to create a title screen if you want one for videos. I was thinking of doing this but I didn't in the end because I already planned out the footage that I wanted.


At first I used YouTube to research the different football adverts that I could have. But after I started shooting my raw footage I was ready to start uploading videos. I did that by going on the arrow symbol on the top right and it should have a big red button in the middle of the screen saying upload content. If you click that you can upload whatever content that you want.

Digital technologies and how I used them

Technological devices that I have used in my blog
Camera – I used my camera for taking videos and pictures, I have enhanced and zoomed in and out on the camera. Everyone has used a camera but when I first looked at the canon 1300 it was very confusing to me with all of the settings that you use. I can use it very well now and I can produce very good photos.

Publisher –Publisher has the same sort of principles that word and PowerPoint, it uses the same tools. I used publisher to get JPEGs so I could save and upload pictures on my blog. I did this by inserting pictures and uploading them so everyone can see it on my blog. I had used publisher before because I used to do graphics in secondary school.
Word – I use word rarely but it is necessary on the odd occasion when I want to write an essay that my teacher has set. I have used word before in secondary school for the same reasons. Word is very simple to use. However one thing that I didn’t understand with word was the tables, I did the health and safety table and I had no idea how to use it. I figured it out after playing around with word for a bit and now I can use all parts of word no problem.
PowerPoint – Everyone who has ever been in secondary school and even late primary school knows how to use PowerPoint, this is because of the many presentations that you have to do. I used this when I did my story board and animatic, I just used the text boxes and added some images.

Phone – I used a phone to take pictures and make voice recordings for my  videos etc.

SD card - I used an SD card to capture my footage and I used it to upload all of that footage onto my PC to edit all of my videos. They are very easy to use.

Editing process and what I used

As you can see there are three bars that you can select here. The first one is any extra footage that you can have over it (any messages etc. So I have took that opportunity to include my new logo to put this on I have to create it through drawing an initial ideas as I have said previously and selecting that photoshopped document which is the raw logo with no background and dragging it with the mouse to that part of the bar and then adjusting it to make it where I want to be. The second bar is your main footage, to get that I had to take my SD card and put it into my computer (the SD card has all of the footage on it) and upload it to my PC after that is done I had to upload the files onto the editing software that I use which is Video Pad, once the files are uploaded I could then drag the footage onto the bar in the order that made sense and my raw footage was done. Another thing to say about the second bar is that you can make special effects and transitions, for this video I did not use special effects but I were to do that I would have to click on the button on the bottom left hand corner of the snippet of footage and choose an effect that I wanted for that specific snippet. For the transitions I had to click on the bottom right hand corner of the snippet to make a slide transition and it shows you which ones you can have and if they take up footage time you can select a duration of time that it takes up on the footage. The third bar is the footage sound which I muted because it is me directing my friend how to be standing and the actions to make in the certain part of footage, so I muted that by going on the far left and there's a button with a speaker as the icon, I clicked that and then the footage sound was muted. For the final bar it was also a sound bar, that was my opportunity to make a soundtrack, I have files stored on this computer that has music on it so I added that to the saved data on the program and then I dragged that across from 'sound files' and put it on the bar, I then cropped the soundtrack so it lasted the same time as the advert with the icon on the edges of each individual snippet and pulled it so it would stay the same duration as the footage.
For all of my videos I used VideoPad because it is the program that I use at home, I only edit at home and do all of the written work at college.

What went wrong and what went well?

I feel that what went wrong was the logo and the soundtrack, I had no idea how to put my logo onto a raw from but I found out because on Photoshop I edited out the background and then saved it and then I could just add the logo to my video.

For the soundtrack all I had to do was search on my computer and obviously I could not do that at college because I didn’t have any of my saved music, so I did it at home and added my soundtrack onto the audio bar.

I think what I did best was sell all of the products very well because I made it clear what I was selling in all of the videos.

I also had a lot of footage so I put all of the best together and it made pretty solid content.


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