
Evaluation 4

Google I used Google to carry out all of my research when I was searching for websites and stats and statistics etc. I also used Google for one other major thing and without it I would have been doomed, that is searching for images. Images are very important because you have to take inspiration from something and I had to search all of the clubs and logo that could help me make my adverts better. Photoshop   I have used a lot of tools on Photoshop like the brush tool, paint bucket, eyedropper, crop, shapes, and text. I had never used Photoshop before I started college, so I had no experience what so ever and I did struggle at first and it took a very long time to do my final piece for my first year. But if you asked me to do it now it would take me about 30 minutes tops to do it. I din't use photoshop much this year because of the advertisement spec telling me to create four videos. I did use it to create my logo though Paint brush tool - The icon that is a...

Evaluation 3 What have you learned from your audience feedback?

What have you learned from blogger? My views on blogger actually went down when I started my A2 work because I did not do many posts but once I started to improve my work they shot up. This may not seem important but I knew that I was on the right track if people were viewing my blog online.  Questionnaire  Altogether The results that I got for each question were dominant but I saw a few corrections that I would like to consider for my final videos. Question 1 - About 90% of the people that were handed the questionnaire thought that this package was put together well and linked well because they all have the logo at the end and lots of camera angles etc. The other 10% thought that I should have the logo for the radio advertisement too which I will put on.  Question 2 - 50% of the people said that I should change the radio ancillary to make it more wide spread so I will come up with a new script to correct this, people also said that they would ...

Evaluation 2

Peer feedback Question  1 - About 90% of the people that were handed the questionnaire thought that this package was put together well and linked well because they all have the logo at the end and lots of camera angles etc. The other 10% thought that I should have the logo for the radio advertisement too which I will put on.  Question  2 - 50% of the people said that I should change the radio ancillary to make it more wide spread so I will come up with a new script to correct this, people also said that they would change the fact that some of the videos are too slow which I have thought is a good point recently. However, I know that in one of the videos it didn't need a backstory and I have mentioned before that I will change that in my final videos  Question  3 - About 75% of the people said that it linked well with my chosen audience, but I knew that there would be some correction and once again the 25% of the people said that I should add another v...

Evaluation Question 1

Conventions analysis Conventions of an advert (sports) The conventions of a sports advert are: The product in action, the player with the endorsement (sometimes the opposition versing each other), science (legitimize the product), they usually are polysemic, some editing (including: Slow motion, Speeded up, fast paced editing etc.), but most importantly the product. The product in action makes the viewer want to buy the product because for example with a boot, it says that it boosts accuracy (or at least inspires you to train to do that.). The player with the endorsement is featured because it could mean that you could be exactly like them if you practice enough with the product you could be in the exact same situation as them. But sometimes they have multiple players to make the viewer more included because they could be a fan of one of the players but not another. It also creates some tension between them. They sometimes include if it is a sport drink like lucosade energy drink,...